Sunday, 4 March 2012

Photo fun

How to get from this:

to this with DigiDaub7:

1. Edit: Copy this image

2. Colours: One colour.  Select white.

3. Colour Effects: Turn Black on Colour. You may have to use Colour Effects: Lighten if your original image is a bit dark. Lightening will help bring out more detail in the resulting black and white image.

4. Edit: Blend copied image. Use whatever strength you find gives the best result. As with most of the DigiDaub design elements you can apply a process more than once, so you might find, for example, using Blend copied image at the weak level twice might give a better result than using the medium level just once.

5. Finally, Colour Effects. Use one of the Recolour effects. If you use Sequence Recolour remember to change you palette first.