You can use DigiDaub to add some subtle textures to an image, for example:
1. Import the image you wish to add texture to.
2. Select Colours:Grey only.
3. Cover image using Background:Plain.
4. Select Colours: Black only.
5. Now add shapes or a texture to the background. Here I have used Regular Textures:Fine Textures:Weave. I actually applied this texture three times in order to make it a strong image.
6. Edit:Copy this image.
7. Revert to the original image - File:Revert to last opened.
8. Now choose Edit:Blend copied image:Weak.
9. I then repeated step 8 to provide a stronger texture. I could have used Edit:Blend copied image:Medium in the first place.
Using the same method I have added some text...
to this image.